Query the Project Subscriber List

Request URL: `http://{url}/platform/api/v1/subscriptions/userRecordList?user_id=x&app_id=xxx&pageSize=100&page=0'

Request Method: GET

Parameters: user_id, an integer representing the user ID app_id, an integer representing the project ID pageSize, an integer representing the number of subscribers returned per page, an integer representing the page index for the subscriber list query

Request Example:

curl --location --request GET 'http://{url}/platform/api/v1/subscriptions/userRecordList?user_id=x&app_id=xxx&pageSize=0&page=0' \
--header 'id: 100089' \
--header 'token: xxxx'

Correct Response:
	"code": 1,
	"data": {
		"list": [
				"id": 1,
				"create_at": "2022-08-03 07:59:08"
				"address": "xxx"
		"total": 3,
    		"page": 0,
    		"pageSize": 0
	"msg": "Process success",
  	"success": true

Incorrect Response
	"code": 0,
	"data": {},
	"msg": "Process failed",
  	"success": false

Last updated